I started this post last week when Izzy was having one of her overall best/sweetest weeks ever. This week started off a little rough, but I keep reminding myself that she is almost 2 and it seems to be some sort of rite of passage for parents.
Regardless of her "typical" 2 year old behaviors, it is amazing the little person she is turning into. She is no longer a baby, but a tiny person (I realize babies are tiny people but not my point). Her vocabulary is blossoming like crazy and it seems that every day she is saying new words or animal sounds. She has also started repeating almost everything she hears which keeps me on my toes. She dances along to the radio and mimics movements on TV (I think I enjoy watching her as much as she enjoys watching Little Einsteins).
I could go on and on about her cuteness. The one thing that is both the coolest and also most frustrating is that she has now started picking out her own clothes. I recently learned the hard way that gone are the days of throwing her into the first outfit I grab and running out the door. She now requests things like "Minnie shirt" or "other jeans" (Yes, she has a preference of certain pairs of jeans over other ones!). Yesterday for church I picked out an adorable grey and black dress for her to wear. Bruce had to wrestle her into her black tights only for her to freak out about the dress, yanking on it and crying. I told him to just let her put on whatever so we could get out the door. What did she wear to church? Her black tights, a pink and blue striped dress, her windbreaker, and just for good measure - her multicolored winter hat (tho it was 60 degrees outside).
On one hand I wonder if I am creating a monster by allowing her to dictate what she will and will not wear. But at the same time, there are days I will put on 6 different shirts or 3 pairs of pants till I find one that feels and looks right. Guess she is just starting out young!
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